Orders are processed and shipped every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday via United States Postal Service (USPS). If an order is placed too close to our shipping time it will not be shipped until the following shipping day. Packages are shipped by either USPS Ground Advantage or USPS Priority Mail. Larger orders may be split into multiple packages, each with its own tracking number.
As of late 2021, we have also expanded our store to Canada! To minimize shipping charges, it is recommended you order multiples of 3 cases at a time (maximum 12) to utilize First Class International rates (weight/size limits require Priority for larger orders which is much more expensive). For GB/GBA, you can fit twice as many into the same space/weight.
International orders may be subject to duties or import taxes. Whether it is assessed and collected is seemingly random and out of our control. Buyers are responsible for paying any additional duties/taxes as these are not predictable or consistently collected, nor do we even have the ability to pay them on your behalf when shipping.
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